The Unseen Frontiers of Web 2.0

April 26, 2008

web 2.0

Web 2.0. When regular non-net-addicted people hear the words Web 2.0, usually it’s met with a frown of confusion or a cocky smile. “Yeah, Web 2.0. I’m all around it.” or “Web 2.0? Is that a kind of software?” This term developed as an umbrella term that means nothing and everything. It means the social part of the internet.

If it was a part of the house, it would be the living room or the patio. If was the part of the body, it would be the mouth. Web 2.0 is simply that part of the web that is largely user controlled more than anything else. Blogs. Message Boards. Forums. Social Networking Sites. Social Bookmarking sites. User-generated video sites.

Now more than ever, power is bestowed to the user. I am empowered to publish with one click with a blog. I am empowered to express my opinion in a message board. I am empowered to comment in whatever tonality I prefer in a news article in a news forum. I can make myself known in the identity I chose in a Social Networking Site. I am free to choose my favorite site and make it known to others in a Social Bookmarking Sites.

What is interesting with the title is the word “unseen.” Yet it resonates true in our society today. I think less than 1 in 10 people know what web 2.0 is, let alone care, but the more interesting thing is the fact that Web 2.0 actually matters.

It is the most popular social lounge next to Starbucks – and gives you more benefit than that all-important kick in the head that caffeine brings. If you are a business owner, it is a fast way to communicate with the consumer and build your brand, if you are an individual artist, it is the fastest, cheapest way to get your music out there.

Think of how many Indie artists have leveraged myspace in order to get people to listen to them, and eventually attend their shows. If you are simply an expressive individual needing some online company – there are online communities everywhere – within groups in social networking sites like facebook, myspace, yahoogroups, etcetera. If you are a blogger it is a certainty that there are a community of bloggers out there blogging about your theme – whether it be niche or mainstream.

To put it in simple, concrete terms, getting involved in Web 2.0 is creating a blog at WordPress. Commenting on other blogs. Connecting with your friends on facebook. Digging a relevant news story at to share the news piece to others. It is going on forums like Yahoo Answers, or, sharing what you know, and allowing other people to help you out with a question.

Why get involved?

In Asia alone, 3,733,783,474 people are online. This is 56.5% of the world population. This is an interesting statistic since most of the control of Web 2.0 actually originates from the United States. In North America, 334,659,631 people go on the internet – roughly 5.1% of the entire population. (source:

Roughly 10 percent of the world’s population – that is 627 million people, have shopped online at least once. This information is from a study done by AC Nielsen in 2005. That was three years ago. Can you imagine the numbers today?

According to Technorati, a widely popular internet community, there are currently about 50M blogs. 175,000 new blogs are being created everyday. Blogs are being used for all sorts of occupations in all sorts of disciplines. Blogs have been used to share knowledge, promote a person, product or service, or even get help.

In – a mother of an adopted Ukrainian boy seeks financial help for her new child’s needs. Even Martha Stewart is reachable via comment and click. Aside from this, the unstoppable growth of the information which cannot be recorded as it occurs on tangible books, is recorded in the blogosphere.

Web 2.0 has infiltrated the SEO/SEM and Web Development industries as well. Such web development companies as Meteorsite, a los angeles based SEO and Web Development company are developing web 2.0 applications and using web 2.0 designs in their websites. Now the industry terms SEO and Web 2.0 Marketing are almost inextricably linked, with Web 2.0 being the marketplace and playground for SEO practices.

Message boards are affecting our opinions more than ever. There’s various forums where people can seek help in every field of work or field of interest – like Ehealth forums and Elancetalk. is a great search engine where you can type in any keyword and find a chunk of message boards about any topic.

And finally, getting on the bandwagon of Web 2.0 is important because of the viral nature of Web 2.0. Hence you have the terms viral marketing, word-of-mouth marketing and guerilla marketing. If you post anything funny, sexy, or pyrotechnic on YouTube for example, (the three main baits of marketing) on the net, you’re bound to get at least a thousand hits.

Digging a news story on puts it out there for other surfers to quickly find. Several companies have taken the viral route in marketing and advertising. Check out a collection of funny viral ads at funnyplace. Now anybody can be a star on YouTube – and potentially be unraveled talents if ever that wandering producer hits you up and takes an interest.

Creating a buzz about yourself or your product is simpler than going to an ad agency and paying big bucks, and might even have more profitable returns.

Now that you’re convinced (I’m claiming this) that Web 2.0 is the way to go, how do you start? Start putting your favorite keyword and adding “blog”, “forum” or “messageboard”. Go to Google Blog Search and start reading up on your favorite blog topics. Leave a comment. Spark a discussion.

Start by leaving a comment here! Socialize to your heart’s (or finger’s) content. Jumping on the bandwagon has never been so beneficial, and enjoyable.

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10 Responses to “The Unseen Frontiers of Web 2.0”

  1. […] BigDaddyBlog wrote an interesting post today on The Unseen Frontiers of Web 2.0Here’s a quick excerptThink of how many Indie artists have leveraged myspace in order to get people to listen to them, and eventually attend their shows. […]

  2. […] admin wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptConnecting with your friends on facebook. Digging a relevant news story at to share the news piece to others. It is going on forums like Yahoo Answers, or, sharing what you know, and allowing other … […]

  3. You are quite right that the place to be is using the Web 2.0 sites out there to socialize. I’ve been blogging for nearly 7 months now and in that time have learned about Digg, Stumble Upon, Facebook to mention a few, through which I’ve met people from all over the world. The Internet is a winner anyday and will help our world become a more tolerant place as we build these global social relationaships online.

  4. abbycopuyoc Says:

    Yes Ayapeju. The web can be used for so many positive things, and to create great impact. We have such power in our fingertips that we don’t even realize. It will certainly help us build global social relationships and enforce positive ties, if we use this power in the right way.

  5. Saw you just added The Sherpa. Thanks for the looksie.
    Fell fre to write a comment or just lurk.

  6. Katie Says:

    Who can you trust?
    Web 2.0 offers content upload from anyone, to anyone. Well, anyone with the internet. As you point out in your blog, that’s an enormous number of people. One aspect of web 2.0 that I continue to struggle with is that anyone with the internet can publish their content, now comes the question, what is fact, and what is crap?

    Countless websites have been set up with little or no authority, providing researchers with all sorts of false information. A perfect example being Wikipedia. I do use Wikipedia often and I find it a very useful tool, however the quality of some posts are questionable. When ‘moon landing’ is typed into Google, the first result is “Moon Landing” by Wikipedia. The second is the “Apollo Moon Landing Hoax Theory”. Both posts would be rather biased and with almost anyone being able to modify the entry, suspicion is raised as to which version to believe.

    Along with such posts on Wikipedia, Youtube is becoming a popular site for education also. With documentaries being uploaded, users are turning to this entertaining source to gain knowledge. The question is also raised as to what is correct. The same case is presented here with users uploading anything they want. Homemade material could contain all sorts of unwanted information. But once you’ve watched the video, how can you tell what you have watched is true?

    Are today’s web 2.0 generation becoming more sceptical and educated, or more gullible? I believe web 2.0 is breaking boundaries but the next step is filtering our content to determine what information we can trust.

  7. abbycopuyoc Says:

    You bring up a lot of great points Katie — the greatest danger of having so much freedom is the lack of responsibility and accountability. With so many content creators – how can we distinguish between quality content and gibberish, real authority or “fraud?” As bloggers we can do the web and its patrons a favor by upgrading the quality of our blogs and writing with an invisible badge of responsibility. With the net being a free for all market, and virtually no filtering authority (correct me if im wrong) we must always second guess content (even if it is from wikipedia). It’s the same thing for TV – not everything on TV should be construed as absolute truth. All media has its pitfalls and dangers, and being around media for so long, ideally, we should know better than to believe everything we read, listen to, or see.

  8. I have been addicted to web 2.0 for a couple of years know. Yet when I try to push it to friends, most look at me like I am very strange. They can’t see how I get value out of this strange melting pot of good and bad info.

    I really like the fact that everybody can access the melting pot, but for most of my friends, this is a problem. I think the turning point will be when there are more trusted “dj” of the internet. Like a DJ choses music for the danse floor or radio, many people online are great resources for finding good content. Once more of these become established, even my friends will like web 2.0. Or at least the part their “dj” shows them.

  9. abbycopuyoc Says:

    Hi Peter, I am not alien to the accusation of being “strange”, so many times when I tell people that I do viral marketing for a living, they say, viral what? Then I go to my customary explanation of what viral or buzz marketing is.

    Definitely in Web 2.0 everybody is a DJ — we determine the content the same way that a DJ determines the playlist. That’s why Web 2.0 is such a wonderful thing, we are no longer just patrons but creators, no longer just puppets with or strings being pulled, but producers of our very own puppet shows. 🙂

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